An easy way of image compressing
By Jiamin Sun
Image compressing is very important for web editing, emails and communications. There are lots of softwares which can compress images, such as gimp, photoshop, etc. Sometimes you may find compressing by photoshop may cause resolution loss. Actually, there is a built-in software in Windows, Paint. This is a fast and convenient tool for compressing.
The interface of Paint:
First select one image you want to compress. In my case it is a photo which is more than 1.5M.
Then open this photo in Paint. The size of it will be quite large.
Then choose "Resize" on the top of the menu. In my case, I changed the percentage from 100% to 20%.
Now the size of this photo become nearly 70k.
I also used photoshop to export a smaller photo, from 1.5M to 111k. Below the left one is compressed by Paint, the right one is compressed by Photoshop. Actually the Paint-compressed one is smaller and has fewer noise. Paint is a useful tool for windows users to ensure quality when compressing images.